Brea’s replies to the inquires you may have
Q. I’ve never practiced martial arts of any kind before, I consider myself un-athletic, or I’m not very coordinated when it comes to physical movement.
Great! As a teacher, I specialize in teaching people like you, because I started that way, too. I knew nothing of martial arts and I came to find my Sifu because I really just wanted to learn Taiji. But he told me to “just follow” and I ended up loving Gongfu so I stuck with it. If you have the inspiration and the resolve to try, all I can say is do it!
We are a non-competitive practice community with kindness as one of our pillars. We cheer each other on so lovingly, and I teach in a way that not only takes things slowly, step by step, but with attention to the details so you stand, punch, kick, grab, and generally move in ways that benefit your body as opposed to put you at risk to injure it.
Q. I’ve been practicing Eagle Claw Gongfu with you for a while now and I’m itching to advance in the forms. Will we have a chance to learn more than what we’ve practiced in past practice spaces? (My reply is also for those who have Martial Arts experience in other lineages.)
Yes! You’ll want to make sure you show up (whether live or with the recordings) to our Thursday practices, because those are where we’ll move more swiftly through the forms; therefore naturally progressing further through them.
Q. I’m really interested in learning Sword form. Will we be practicing this here?
We will. It’s important— vital even— to focus on the fist and palm forms and bolster them with the weapon work, but the Sword is something essential to our practice tradition. So I encourage everyone to get a Sword even if all you ever do with it is bring it into Hold the Moon stance to open and close the ceremonial circle. But that being said, you don’t need a Sword for this space.
Q. Do I need a Sword to be a part of this group?
Nope! In fact, unless you’ve acquired your Sword through with my help already, I prefer you don’t have one yet because I’d like to help you get yours. I have specific guidelines and a couple Swords I recommend. There’s a whole process I’ll guide you through when you’re ready to get yours.
And again, you could potentially go through the whole of this 6-month mentorship without getting a Sword, though you’ll likely want one at some point during our time together.
Q. Is it required that I attend every live session or can I just watch the recordings?
I ask that everyone do the best they can to show up live on Tuesdays, which are the 2hr Ceremonial Sessions. Being there makes a huge difference. It’s what plants the seeds for real connection, vulnerability, and space for true transformation.
This being said, I know how life goes. Sometimes it’s just not possible to make it. Looking at the calendar, as long as you foresee yourself able to be there live for most of the Tuesday sessions, you’ll be fine. Missing a few is okay (please just let me know ahead of time). If you need to miss more than that, let’s talk before you register.
The one date I’d like you to fully commit to being there is for the Closing Ceremony on Tuesday June 25. Also noteworthy is that our Opening Ceremony is on Thursday January 4.
Q. Will the live sessions be recorded?
Yes, partially. The recording will be solely of the practice part of our sessions. None of the heart shares will be recorded. These will be available to you as downloadable videos to support your home practice.
Q. What are these like?
One of my favorite parts of this offering—the chance for us to connect just you and me. These are 30-minute Zoom calls you can book three times within the six-month frame. Arrive to our private space via the link I send you and bring your intention in your heart; depending on what you need, we may talk or practice. Ask questions, bring concerns, share your heart. It’s a space to refine your form if you want, or get a prescribed Qigong form, or just be witnessed as you process your world.
Q. What if I need more than 3 1:1 sessions?
Do your best to stick to three, spaced out at your discretion, but if you hit that number and need another, that’s ok! Just book anyway. Or, you can always message me via WhatsApp where you can send me a text, voice note, or video.
Q. Am I required to book a private session?
Nope! It’s completely up to you whether you book a 1:1 session with me or not.
I do encourage everyone to book at least one session with me, especially during the first month or two. This will help us feel more connected. But there’s no wrong in not taking this option if you don’t feel it.
Q. What if I can’t find any 1:1 time slots that work for me?
Just reach out to me and we’ll see what we can arrange outside of what’s open on the calendar. If there’s just no way around a mismatch for our schedules, then we can chat via WhatsApp or the video chat app I love, Marco Polo.
Q. What can I expect from this group messaging thread?
All triumphs, tribulations, helpful resources, raw shares, and lighthearted banter is welcome here. This space is for sharing with each other in between sessions, to facilitate real relationships, stay connected, and hold each other accountable to personal practice goals.
I love to encourage sending an emoji (possibly ⚔️ , 🤛🏼 , 🐍 or even a 🦩 for Crane) to say, “I practiced today!” It inspires us all to practice, too, and keeps us accountable to our practice resolve.
Q. Do I have to join the group message thread? Is my participation there required?
If you don’t want to be a part of the message group, you’re free to decline the invitation.
Remember you can always “mute” the conversation and the thread won’t give you notifications every time someone responds.
I will say that it’s the space I’ll be dropping in the spontaneous juicy nuggets— what I’m practicing on my own, contemplations, revelations, inquiries. It’s my place to share little secret recommendations, insights, new form combinations, and old forms with whom I’ve reunited.
And. This is THE place to get the inside scoop. If there’s any news I have to share, y’all get to know it first— before an email goes out, before I post to IG, before I even get it onto the website. Y’all will be the first to hear.
Q. How do I pay?
Choose the link to register from any place on the website, or from HERE ;)
On this page you’ll see the Crane & Snake offering, and when you register you’ll be paying your non-refundable deposit, which is also your initial payment installment.
Next, check your email for your enrollment confirmation. There you’ll have options to pay the rest. either in full or by creating a payment plan for monthly or bi-weekly installments.
You’ll choose your own start date (and this will be the date for each subsequent withdrawal in your Payment Plan.
Q. Can I pay the tuition all at once?
Yes you can, and you’ll save a little money if you do. You can pay in full with any of these ways:
1) Through the MoonClerk links sent to you in your enrollment confirmation email, or
2) Via Venmo @BreaFisherQuanYin . Once you get your confirmation email you’ll find your total there.
3) Via PayPal to . Again, you’ll find your total in your enrollment confirmation email.
Q. What if I need to cancel my participation in the mentorship?
For people who have unavoidable circumstances that suddenly prevent them from attending the sessions, cancellation is sometimes necessary. If you cancel before we begin, you’ll get a refund of whatever payment you’ve made over the initial non-refundable deposit amount.
If you need to leave the group after it has begun, then we'll need to have a heart to heart talk about it one on one. Decisions on how to handle our exchange will be agreed between the two of us should it come to that. Acceptable reasons for cancellation are outlined in our Mentorship Contract.
In all cancellation circumstances your initial payment to get you enrolled is a non-refundable deposit.
Q. I really want to apply for the scholarship, but I’ve received scholarships for past offerings in this community. Can I apply or should I give someone else the opportunity?
This question actually comes up often. My answer is always: Apply.
Sometimes I don’t get any applications at all because people have a sense that they’re taking the spot away from someone else. Let me decide that. Apply and give yourself the chance. You deserve it, no matter what has transpired between us in the past.
The deadline for all Scholarships, including Sliding Scale applications, is 17DEC2023 and results will be posted by 19DEC2023.